For me there are many things that can make me happy in this world, writing is one of them. When I was a little kid, I just love my own company kind of girl. Always lot of rush going in my mind all the time. I used to observe people, listen to them, hell lot of words mix up in my mind to express but I never had enough courage and confidence to say that loud. I used to talk to myself as a child. I know this sounds funny. I believe I still live in an imaginary world. In my own world… and it's beautiful.
But then I started writing , in the beginning it was only poems and short stories, I had so many characters build up in my mind. I used to feel safe with them rather than being with the real mean people around me, always so scared of them.
Later in high school it was all about marks and scoring. I totally forgot about writing. Then I did continued again when I was in university and put up all the writing on Blogger in 2013 probably.
So yeah this is how I re-discovered myself again. Writing makes me happy because it helps me both ways ,to escape as well as to find myself !!
So what makes you happy?? J
that seems like an easy question but in some ways it’s really hard to answer! If I made a list there would be too many things to name! like good food ,Realizing how many blessings I have: my family, my friends, my health, my education. There are so many people who have so little, and obviously sometimes I want certain things in my own life like material things, or different opportunities like being able to travel to cool places, but then I take a step back and remember that I really have always had everything I need. And there are so many people who can’t and might never say that other than that Petrichor makes me happy specially in summers